10:30 AM

12:00 PM

There are multiple topics I could speak on. Hydrangeas are my first love, but I could also do gardening in Idaho, growing cut flowers etc. We can discuss further at your convenience
1:30 PM

New to the Boise area or just looking to improve your gardening game? Idaho’s Treasure Valley offers a unique climate with hot, dry summers, cold winters, and tricky soil conditions. This seminar will guide you through the essentials of successful gardening in the 208, including soil preparation, water-wise landscaping, choosing the right plants, and adapting to the region’s growing seasons. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just getting started, you’ll leave with practical tips to help your yard flourish in Idaho’s high-desert climate!
4:30 PM

Learn the basic principles of composting, what organic materials to use and how to build a compost bin. You will learn about different methods of composting, there is a method for everyone. And, learn how to care for your compost for the best result. How to use "humus" (finished compost) in your yard and garden will also be presented.

How to successfully compost at home
10:30 AM

Master the art of growing vibrant tomatoes, fiery peppers, zesty onions, aromatic garlic, and fresh cilantro-all with more flavor and heat-naturally!
12:00 PM

Unique & Cool New plants. An introduction of new plants that are out or coming out on the markets. Learn about how these plants are created and view pictures of Crazy conifers, Dwarf shrubs, new unique perennials, & unusual trees that homeowners might want to incorporate into their next landscape project.
1:30 PM

Join us as we explore the new revolutionary one-of-a-kind Firefly Petunia that glows in the literal dark! Moss Greenhouses in Jerome ID was the first and only place you could visit to find this outstanding bright bloomer in 2024. Jennifer Moss joined by Jordan Risch will take you down the path of what makes the Firefly Petunia glow, how the soft launch in 2024 to the market went, what to look for in 2025 and where to find this exclusive glowing beauty.
3:00 PM

We'll cover basic cultural requirements for the most popular types. Water, fertilizer, climate and some pest and diseases solutions.
4:30 PM

Two years ago we put on a seminar at the Flower and Garden show on basic tree pruning and it was very well attended. We would be interested in putting on a similar presentation but going in depth a bit more and doing a live pruning demonstration. We would help to equip homeowners with the fundamental tools needed to identify when a tree needs pruning, the best time of year to prune the tree, the tools needed, and how to effectively make cuts to the tree.
11:30 AM

Hire yourself and have the lawn you desire without pesticides, weed killers or breaking your back! Full of advice gleaned from helping our customers have great lawns in the treasure valley for over 90 years. You won’t want to miss this class!
1:00 PM

This presentation will cover everything on how to design, shop, plant, water, and thrive in our harsh Idaho climate. It will also include a few money saving tips and tricks of the trade.
2:30 PM

We will cover the origins, timeline, styles and techniques used to craft these amazing trees. We will also cover or uncover some of the flaws, struggles or issues most people face when starting bonsai. This presentation is also interactive and will invite questions or comments form the audience to help clarify and craft an understanding of how to be successful with this amazing art form.