About Puzzled by Pumping?
Come learn the When, how and why of pumping! Break down the different types of pumps, their function, pros and cons. Next talk about when it is appropriate and not appropriate to pump. How do you get a pump and where? Is there a place to see them before I purchase one? Why would I want to talk to an IBCLC before buying a pump?
About Katie Scott
My name is Katie Scott, I am an RN, BSN, IBCLC which means I am a nurse that know a lot about birth and breastfeeding. I have been involved in nursing and lactation for 27 years. I have a private practice where I serve new families in their home as they are learning to feed and navigate life with a newborn. I absolutely love what I doesn't others to know services like mine exists, we are hear to help! I have 4 children and a husband. I raise dairy goats and live on 18 acres with my 30 goats.